Sonia Roccazzella – July 17th 2007 Europe Fans from all over the world, there’s just a Europe Contest for you. Answer to this “simple” question: “How many Write your answer in a postcard of your country; write your name, your
country and your
e-mail and/or home address. Write a little bit of your favorite
song, too. Send until December 31st 2007 to: Sonia Roccazzella -
Casella Postale 111 - 95030 Gravina di Catania (CT) - Here’s an example: Every single fan can send only one postcard. The right answer for the
question will be determined by all the postcards
we’ll receive until December 31st 2007. The 10 postcards with the
answers nearest the right will
have some
nice presents by Europe in Italy (click here). Are you ready to start? Send your postcard and let’s start count how
many Europe Fans there are in the world. ENJOY and… HAVE A GOOD LUCK!!! |